20 October 2016 marked World Osteoporosis Day which is celebrated across the globe, and also on home ground through the efforts of NOFSA – the National Osteoporosis Foundation South Africa. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men will develop this disease in South Africa, and NOFSA highlighted the urgency to #LoveYourBones with a couple of events in the Durbanville area.

The #LoveYourBones Fun Run was hosted on 8 October 2016. 150 registrations were received and participants enjoyed the 5km run/walk and many received fabulous prizes. Each participant also received a 1 liter Clover milk. Thank you to all participants who took part on the day and also to our great sponsors (details on our facebook page). R9000 was raised on the day.

On World Osteoporosis Day 20 October, Teréza Hough, CEO at NOFSA, arranged for the remainder of the Clover sponsorship to be delivered to The Valley Primary on Altydgedacht. The children attending Grade R, 1, 2 and 3 each received a Clover gift to take home, and it was an absolute joy to stand amidst excited, loud and very energetic children and share a few thoughts about good, strong bones!

Says Hough: “Osteoporosis is a serious condition caused by the thinning of bones, and can lead to bone fractures. There is a serious misconception that Osteoporosis is a normal part of ageing. Although it is mostly age related, it is not exclusive to the senior population, and more importantly, it can be prevented by a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. We need to create good eating habits that will not only influence our health in years to come, but also those of our children. Today was the perfect opportunity to create awareness with these children! Thanks again to Clover for their great sponsorship.”

You can celebrate World Osteoporosis Day every day by ensuring that you and your family follow a balanced diet and where necessary, take supplements to ensure good health, not only for today but for many years in the future, and not only for you but for generations to come.

Follow the conversation on social media @OsteoporosisSA and join in by using #NOFSA and #Osteoporosis

For more information, visit www.osteoporosis.org.za