
You can now contact [email protected] for more information

Please help NOFSA make a loud noise about this Silent Disease by making a donation!
Follow the conversation on social media & join in by using #LoveYourBones.

Breaking Records Not Bones – A Guinness World Record Attempt

Amgen Invites THE general public to Receive Free Screenings to help Predict and Prevent osteoporosis while setting aN Official World Record for Most osteoporosis Screenings Conducted in a 24-hour Period

Osteoporosis-Screening Events to Take Place in Ten Countries on May 5, in Conjunction with Guinness World Records®

The South African leg of this world record breaking event will take place at Sandton City on 5 May, from the hours of 08h00 – 18h00.

For more on this issue Jane Rabothata spoke to NOFSA Chief Executive Officer, Tereza Hough.

Clover Creating awareness: Fun Run

Afternoon Express | 30 November 2017

Teréza Hough: Osteoporose

Die GROOT Ontbyt | 20 Oktober 2017