Do your Risk Assessment SELF TEST: ARE YOU AT RISK OF DEVELOPING OSTEOPOROSIS? To assess whether you are at risk, check each applicable box in category A, B or C. Risk Assessment Your Name & Last Name*Your Email* A 1. Previous fracture after minor injury 2. Hormonal, gut, malignant or eating disorders 3. Recent or progressive loss of height 4. Regular steroid (cortisone) use 5. Over 75 years B 6. Over 70 years old 7. Family history of osteoporosis fractures 8. Regular, heavy alcohol use 9. Menopause before age 45/ other causes of low sex hormones in men and woman 10. Regular use of anti-seizure medicine 11. Weight below 55kg 12. Prone to / history of frequent falls during the past year C 13. Over 60 years old 14. Female 15. No regular exercise 16. Poor calcium intake 17. Smoker/ex-smoker 18. White, Asian Mixed race 19. Childless 20. No breastfeeding 21. Fair complexion Spam Challenge Question*Security: Spam Challenge QuestionPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.